How Writing Changed My Life

Before I found my passion for writing, I used to think that it was something that we only used in school for summaries and other school-related things. But, that all changed in my sophmore year of high school. I was in English class one day when I suddenly got the inspiration to write something as I had finished all my work for the class. When I was done, I asked my teacher for some feedbakc. he had told me that it was good so far and tokeep going with the draft and see where it would end up. That was the day that I had accidentally found my passion for writing.

I would say that my strengths in writing are being able to write without much thought, I normally just write out the ideas I have in my head and eventually, they turn into more elaborate and detailed ideas. I akso have an eays time wiriting if the topic I’m writing about is something that I’m passionate about or interested in. I think my desired improvements would be to having issues with writing too much for a topic especially when it comes to me being passionate about a topic. I end up having to condense and leave out a lot of things that I had originally wanted to keep in just to not go over the word count for an assignment.


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