Failure is essential to growth
Everyday we fail at something, but this failure is useful to our writing and the revision process as well as our day to day life.
Little White Lines
The manner in which we think of revision revolves around the alteration and exclusion of words rather than on a deeper level.
Improvement is Normal
Using Yeakel and Cedervalls student readings gives us a different perspective on revision, a more comfortable point of view.
The Importance of Failing
Failing is normally seen as a bad thing; nobody wants to fail but failing brings its own benefits. When one fails, they know what needs changing.
Everyone Needs Revision In Their Writing
Revision is crucial in any form of writing and shouldn’t be looked down upon because it only helps us to be stronger writers.
Failure and Revision is Crucial
Yeakel and Cedervall show that failure and revision are necessary for growth and success within the entire creative process.
Student vs. Experienced Writers
How I relate to what Sommers says about student writers and how I can apply what the says about experienced writers to my own writing.
Adult Writers Vs. Student Writers: Different Methods of Revision
Nancy Sommers and the different revisions between adult writers and student writes. Are you a student writer or an adult writer?
How Different Writers Approach Revision
Revision’s purpose can vary from writer to writer and the way it is approached. Years of experience contrary to only a few, demonstrate it.
Why Revision is Useful to Everyone
Revision is thought to be an underutilized part of the writing process by Nancy Sommers. Is she right? Or is revision not important to writing?
How to See Revision in a Better Light
Revision and failure often come with very negative connotations, however, I believe they should be looked at as helpful for tools for writers.
The Importance of Revision
What are the different types of revision and what do they do for your writing? How do I figure out what type of revision works best with me.
- Overview, Wk 1: Relationship with Writing
- Wk 2: Rhetorical Reading
- Wk 3: Writing the Right Words (in Context)
- Wk 4: Process Questions (Lamott/Dila, Scirica/Contreras/Brainstorming/Finding)
- Wk 5: Relationship with Revision (Lamott, Dila, Reid)
- Wk 6: Iterative Writing (Sommers, Brooke/Carr/Downs, or Yeakel/Cedervall)
adaptation analyzation communication compulsion creative writing demeanor discourses drafting drafts environment history improvement magnificence media motivation mushfaking perfectionist personal history poetry publishing purpose reading relationship revision rhetoric secondary short stories thesaurus vocabulary writing Writing Process