keep going until you get it

Trying to comprehend when communicating can be difficult when you don’t understand the ways of communication or trying to figure someone else language that is different from yours. The ways of language use discourses, there’s your primary language which is a way for you to act socially from using your own home language, basically born into it. That is the first thing you acquire when coming into the world until you learn a secondary language or a new knowledge of interest, that is something that everyone gets exposed to over time, like when you go to school you’re gaining a secondary discourse because you’re learning new things. Something that is non-dominant (the mastery of which often brings solidarity with a particular social network) to us is considered a secondary discourse. The point of non-dominant discourse is to give voice and representation communities and experiences that are not typically acknowledged within the dominant societal narrative. Dominant discourse, according to James Gee, is the mastery of which a particular place and time brings with it social goods such as money, prestige, and status. it helps to establish unquestioned norms or standards influencing us on how people act in society. Most people don’t master that though and considering that they aren’t fluent in it they choose to fake it. That is what James Gee called, “mush faking”, a term used to describe making do what with what you got, basically pretending to be fluent in a discourse that isn’t your own. Like Japanese, you can learn it, understand it, and be able to communicate with it but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re fluent in that language. Considering that it isn’t your primary use of language.


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