Different Discourses and What is “Mushfaking”?

Discourse is sort of persona you play considering the context, relationships, setting, who you’re around. Discourse could also be when we are engaged in communication such as talking, listening, and so on. Discourse has many various forms and which none are wrong or right.

To begin with, primary discourse is the first way a child learns, from their family and surrounding people, how to speak, act, and think. It is your home language/mother tongue and the way you were taught to communicate with those closest to you. This one has to do with the home and personal identity. As for secondary, it is the way you learn, outside of home, on how to speak and behave. Examples such as school, work, and etc. It is the way you communicate with those around or outside of your family. It has to do with the public and society. We also have discourse such as dominant and non-dominant. Dominant discourse is the way you think, speak, or act that people of higher status in society accept and value. This discourse can be very helpful in getting good jobs and more opportunities. And finally for non-dominant discourse, it is the way you think, speak, or act that helps you fit into certain or rather average groups. This doesn’t give you power or many opportunities. This one basically focuses on what you like.

To end off, you might be asking, “What is “mushfaking”?” Well, mushfaking is when you pretend to fit into a group but in reality you don’t know how to. Or rather, when you pretend to be fluent on a certain thing/topic but in reality you’re using whatever knowledge you have to get by. Basically being a phony or fraud. 


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