Hate of revision but need to get better

For me revision is a tricky topic. Overall I understand its benefits and how it not only helps your piece become better but also helps you become a better writer. But I also struggle with it, from difficulty understanding comments left or just being told to revise with absolutely zero comments. I tend to have negative feelings towards revision like Grauman stated she did. Revision tends to leave me confused and my feelings hurt and I also focus on the more local revisions such as grammar and spelling rather than things like structure. Even though I have these negative feelings towards revision I still try my best to understand where the reviewer is coming from and edit my writing. Because of my confusion sometimes I try to ignore the comments as a whole and revise based on my own opinion. This is not a good idea but I attempt it nonetheless but after reading Grauman I have decided to use her recommended method. The only part I wouldn’t do is set my own goals first as that might confuse me more as to what I’m trying to edit. I will absolutely review the feedback and ask questions about it. I will try to understand what exactly the reviewer is trying to say and I will try to understand what type of comments were left on my paper. While having my negative opinions on revision I will try to enlist Graumans method to try and improve my revision. 


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