We were thought at a very young age that failing is bad. That one should always strive to succeed in everything and anything that they do. What if I told you that in order to succeed in something, one must fail first. Yeakel thought the same way. Failure just shows you what needs to be worked on and improved upon. That is why some people say that failure is best teacher. You won’t always get things right the first time but there is one thing that is guaranteed. You are guaranteed to learn more and gain more knowledge compared to what you had prior to attempting said thing you failed at first. However, one can argue that if you edit your strategy the first time there is no need to fail at first. Cedervall claimed that revision shouldn’t be last thing especially in writing. No need to fail if you just improve as you go about writing. Would you rather hand in an assignment and fail at first and try again or hand in a writing assignment that you edited and revised as you go instead of doing that in the end? I agree with both writers’ claims, I believe students shouldn’t be afraid of failing and I believe that the revision process takes place throughout the writing process.


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