A two-panel cayenne door stands closed in the middle of a colorful wall with chipped and fading paint. Surely this wall has stories to tell about its community.

Class Blog

  • “Shitty First Drafts”

    Dila and Lamott’s two different views on first drafts. We’re trying to find out to ideal way to write, multiple drafts or revising the same one?

  • Revising vs dumping

    The writing process is different for everyone, from revising as you go to free writing and then revising. Which method is perfect for you?

  • Is there a perfect way to write?

    Every writer has their own way around writing. Is there a way that is better than others? Or is it really up to the writer?

  • The First, The Last

    You either strive perfection or you don’t. There is no “doing things half way”. You do not become the best by simply “doing”. You must act with purpose.

  • Contrasting Writing Processes

    While both authors, Anne Lamott and George Dila, present arguments for their writing processes, everyone eventually finds their own process.

  • It’s ok to write in your own way

    why do people judge others writing style? I can agree with both authors. You don’t necessarily have to write something and it immediately…

  • My Experience In Writing First Drafts and Improving Them

    Anne Lamott and George Dila have different views on writing techniques. As an aspiring writer myself, I see both sides of their arguments.

  • How bad First Drafts Improve Future Drafts

    Anne Lamott believes first drafts should be bad, and any good writer will write them. George Dila disagrees, are either of them correct?

  • Different Writing Processes

    Everyone has different writing processes that work for them. A study showed that professional writers struggle with conveying their thoughts.

  • What Type of Writer Am I?

    Lamott and Dila presented two very different writing techniques. While you may resonate with one more than the other, I’m somewhere in between.

  • How rhetoric helps all of us

    Rhetoric is extremely useful no matter the text. It teaches readers how to recognize and understand the different choices and author makes.

  • How Rhetoric Can Help Us Read

    Focuses on what is rhetoric, how it is essential to understanding what you’re reading, and how it’s helpful when it comes to writing.