Adult Writers Vs. Student Writers: Different Methods of Revision

In “Revision Strategies of Student Writers and Experienced Adult Writers,” Nancy Sommers focuses on how different writers revise their writing. Sommers believes that adult writers mainly see revision as an important process. She believes that their focus is on significant things such as structure and clarity. On the other hand, she believes student writers usually pay more attention to less significant things such as grammar and word choice. Adult writers strive off of feedback from others and use it to improve their writing. As for student writers, we possibly ignore feedback or have trouble using it. She also claims that adult writers take into consideration who their audience is and adjust their writing for them. As for us students, we often write based on our own perspective. Overall, Sommers’ focus was on how experienced writers tend to have a more open minded approach rather than students.

I associate myself with the student writers because first of all, I am a student and second of all, what Sommers said about student writers applies to me. Personally, I’m almost always checking my grammar and making sure I use the right words. I usually tend to search up words that are best fitting and makes my writing sound better. In addition to this, it usually takes me a while to incorporate feedback into my writing.


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