Everyone has different writing processes. It often takes time for people to find a writing process that suits them the best. People could possibly have the same writing process as you or a completely different one, so it’s important to not judge them. An example that I’ve heard is that they talk to themselves and then write it down. I don’t judge anyone’s writing style because it’s what they believe is best for them when it comes to writing.

George Dila and Annie Lammot speak of complete opposite ways of writing processes. Dila sets a time frame in where he writes out his draft and as he goes, he is constantly revising it. On the other hand, Lammot’s writing style is just purely pouring out exactly what you think and making the worst first draft. When she is done, she goes back and revises it. I feel as if neither of their writing processes is wrong because it’s what they think is best for them. Personally, my writing process is a mix of both Dila’s and Lammot’s. I write whatever I think but, I do not move on to the following paragraph until the previous one is perfected. When I’m completely done, I read the whole thing out loud and decide whether it not it makes sense.


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